Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Antwone Fisher

"Who will cry for the little boy, lost and all alone / Who will cry for the little boy, abandoned without his own"


Blogger said...


Thank you for comment my blog too.

So. I liked Novelas too. Uga-Uga I couldn't watch when it's on air here.

What other novela do you like?

Rafael - Brazil

MarAne said...

hey, you told me to let you know of any movie I believe deserves to be here. A WALK TO REMEMBER is one. Is a must! I've seen it before and I always thought it was beautiful, I saw it again yesterday and I said, Anel better have this one on her list!! lol anyways try to watch it whenever you can and let me know what you think.

(I didn't know where to write this, so I just left it here lol)

Unknown said...

I see what you mean, Mar. I've actually seen this movie. I'm afraid I can't count it in. Why? because when I see a movie I look at it as a whole and for the movie to qualify, is not enough with the theme of the movie, it also has to be beleivable, and even though I love the theme of this movie (trust me, I do!) I just didn't really beleived the characters. Either it was because of bad acting or the main characters were not the best for the parts. If you take a good look at the movie you would see how much of it was over dramatic, and that just does not fit unless it is a movie that's supposed to be dramatic like- Shakespeare In Love. I know I'm a tough movie critic. I was even actually thinking of taking some of them off. But do you get what I'm trying to say?

Blogger said...


I'm fine, thanks. How're you?

Valentina Hasan is so much funny LOL.

So... the singer is Ivete Sangalo.
The song is "Se eu não te amasse tanto assim"

That means something like: "If I don't love you so much as I do"

Below the full lyric

Se Eu Não Te Amasse Tanto Assim

Meu coração sem direção
Voando só por voar
Sem saber aonde chegar
Sonhando em te encontrar
E as estrelas que hoje eu descobri no seu olhar
As estrelas vão me guiar

Se eu não te amasse tanto assim
Talvez perdesse os sonhos
Dentro de mim
E vivesse na escuridão
Se eu não te amasse tanto assim
Talvez não visse flores
Por onde eu vim
Dentro do meu coração

Hoje eu sei
Eu te amei
No vento de um temporal
Mas foi mais
Muito além
Do tempo de um vendaval
Dos desejos num beijo
Que eu jamais provei igual
E as estrelas dão um sinal

Se eu não te amasse tanto assim
Talvez perdesse os sonhos
Dentro de mim
E vivesse na escuridão
Se eu não te amasse tanto assim
Talvez não visse flores
Por onde eu vim
Dentro do meu coração

Best wishes,
Rafael - Brazil

Blogger said...

By the way.

Humberto Martins and Marcelo Farias are starring another novela here.